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About Our Church

  Cornerstone Church is a non-denominational, conservative, Bible-believing Church that is in cooperation with Southern Baptists missionally. Non-denominational simply means that we have chosen not to wear a denominational title. We recognize that one's eternal destiny is based not upon one's affiliation with a denomination, but upon their personal faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-10). Our goal is to grow in our relationship with Christ and seek to lead others in finding Him as their personal Savior. Once you find His love, you understand that it is a love worth knowing.

The Purposes of Cornerstone Church:


Worship: Love the Lord with all your heart. Matthew 4:10


Ministry: Love your neighbor as demonstrate God's love to others by meeting their needs and applying a healing balm to their hurts in the name of Jesus. These needs may be spiritual, emotional, relational, and/or physical. Ephesians 4:12


Evangelism: Go and make disciples. The church is in existence to communicate God's Word domestically and abroad. This is a great responsibility and a great privilege. It is our opportunity to help people become an eternal part of God's family. John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 2:2, Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8


Fellowship: Baptizing them...this is identification with the body of Christ. We are called to belong and not just believe. Ephesians 2:19


Discipleship: Teaching them to obey...the church exists to edify and to educate God's people.

Discipleship is the process of developing people to become more like Christ in their thoughts, feelings and actions. The process begins with a new believer and goes on throughout their life. Colossians 1:28


Service: The church is to be "equipped" for the work of ministry . Every member of the church should be serving in at least one capacity "for the building up of the body of Christ." Ephesians 4:12-13 

Prayer Focus

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