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Mission Statement

     The mission for the Rock Student Ministry and Cornerstone Church is that the people of Cornerstone church reach their lost community, grow from their foundation of faith, and make disciples of Christ for God’s glory!

Our vision

     Our vision for the Rock Student Ministry is to glorify God by joyfully obeying His commandments, whether that is sharing the gospel, being made more like Christ, or making disciples who make disciples.



Middle School - 3rd floor Building B

High School - Youth Room (Gym)

  • Our youth Sunday School curriculum, the Gospel Project, explores the Bible book by book through both the Old and New Testament. This study helps students discover how God’s plan of redemption unfolds throughout Scripture and still today, compelling them to join the mission of God. Each lesson points to the redemptive plan of God in Jesus through the entire Bible.  Middle school (6-8th grade) and high school (9th -12th grade) classes meet separately. The middle schoolers will be in room 303 and the High schoolers in the Youth Room (Gym). If you are a visitor interested in what we do here at Cornerstone, please come join us for Sunday School.


Bible Study


Meeting in the Youth Room (Gym) starting at 7 pm!

  • On Wednesday nights, our students will be together for a time of fellowship and fun before Bible study time. This Fall, we will be teaching a Bible study called One at a Time by Kyle Idelman. This study highlights how Jesus made an impact in the world by reaching one person at a time and how He wants to use us to make a difference: one at a time by reaching those He has put in our sphere of influence.


Sunday Night Worship


Meeting the Youth Room (Gym)

starting at 5:30 pm

  • Both Middle and High school students worship together on Sunday nights in the Youth Room (Gym). Our Youth Praise and Worship Team leads our worship time and Pastor Jeremy preaches. Many of our adult Youth leaders also have the opportunity to teach during the discipleship time of Sunday Night Worship.



411 East Main Street Maiden, NC 28650     

Tel: 828-428-0101

 Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am-5pm

©2024 Cornerstone Church

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